“we are internet providers and are here to fix the modem”



  • Sector: Co-working

  • Size: 1-49 employees

  • Location: Brussels



1 out 1 were affected

  • Protection efforts: High

  • Business Impact: High


We have conducted a social engineering campaign in a co-working office.  Our intrusion specialist impersonated a technical staff member of a well-known internet provider to get inside of the company to collect information and possibly compromise the IT infrastructure.


Social engineering is a manipulation tactic used by cyber attackers to deceive individuals into divulging confidential information or performing actions that compromise security. It often involves exploiting psychological vulnerabilities rather than technical weaknesses, relying on human interaction and trust. In this case, we tried to intrude on the premises, we used techniques such as tailgating, impersonation, or exploiting trust to bypass physical security measures.

We impersonated a technical staff member of a well-known Internet provider. The intruder was wearing a branded shirt and asked to enter the technical room to fix bugs in the modem. After friendly asking and showing some fake documents, he was guided to the server room without any issues. He plugged in different malicious devices on the office’s network and even had time to walk around the entire office.



The business impact of the social engineering campaign conducted in the co-working office is very critical and can lead to full compromise of the local network. Entering offices unauthorized can have severe consequences:

  • Compromised security: Unauthorized access to sensitive areas poses a significant security risk, potentially leading to data breaches or theft of confidential information.

  • Operational disruption: Intrusions into offices and server rooms can disrupt normal operations, leading to downtime, loss of productivity, and delays in service delivery.

  • Reputational damage: Such incidents can erode trust and confidence in the organization's ability to protect sensitive data and maintain security, leading to damage to its reputation among customers, partners, and stakeholders.

  • Legal and regulatory consequences: The organization may face legal liabilities, fines, or penalties for failing to adequately protect sensitive information and comply with data protection regulations.

  • Financial loss: The costs associated with mitigating the incident, investigating the breach, implementing security measures, and potential legal fees can result in financial losses for the organization.



Neglecting physical security alongside digital safeguards can expose vulnerabilities in cybersecurity. Physical security is essential for protecting sensitive information, infrastructure, and assets from unauthorized access or breaches. Failure to prioritize physical security can lead to significant data breaches or disruptions in business operations.

To protect against social engineering physical intrusion: 

  • Implement access control measures such as keycard entry systems or biometric scanners to restrict unauthorized access to sensitive areas.

  • Conduct regular security training for employees to raise awareness about social engineering tactics and the importance of verifying identities before granting access.

  • Establish clear protocols for verifying the identity of unfamiliar individuals requesting access to secure areas, such as requiring photo identification or contacting a supervisor for authorization.

  • Implement surveillance cameras and monitoring systems to detect and deter unauthorized individuals attempting physical intrusion.

  • Regularly review and update physical security protocols to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities.


Ready to strengthen your cybersecurity?

Contact us today to discuss how Cresco's services can help your organisation can protect and secure your organisation.